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Dear Business Owner,
Imagine what it would be like to have a proactive accountant that responds to your queries? One that can explain things to you in a language you understand? One that actually has business experience and has solved the same challenges you are facing?
Taxes will be under control… you’d be able to focus on what you do best… you’d feel secure that your business was in good hands… you wouldn’t have to spend weekends worrying about accounting and the IRD anymore… you’d finally be able to ‘switch off’ and actually enjoy the fruits of your hard work.
So ask yourself… are you sick and tired of spending your hard-earned dollars on an accountant that only gets in touch to tell you how much tax to pay (if they even do that)? Are you fed up of the so-called 'Chartered Accountants' and 'Business Advisors' that don't respond and start every e-mail with 'sorry for the late response'?
Then stop the frustration of not knowing where your business is at and add our proven, refined business tactics to your team.
Our modern approach to accounting has been used by business owners across every industry in New Zealand and helps our clients operate to their full potential.
We are here for aspirational business owners.
Luke & Phil
Why choose next
At nextAdvisory we understand that business isn’t easy and that you have a thousand things to deal with every day. The last thing you want to do is sit down and research how to make your business better. We’ll do whatever it takes to help you turn your business into a profit generating machine that gives you the life you want. That’s why you got into business in the first place right?
We aren’t just about ‘accounting’. We dedicate the time to sit down with clients to really figure out your business and your goals. We review your business from every angle and work out where the missed opportunities to get the business humming. Then we work with you to build a powerful business plan that’ll have you running a business your competitors are jealous of.
But that’s not all. We’ll also make sure you’re set up with a system that delivers reliable, timely financial information that doesn’t use up a heap of your time. We need you to be working on the business and not working in the business. In other words, less time wasted, less worrying at night and more time enjoying the life you wanted which is usually more money and more time with your family
5 Years & $1,000,000
Phil reflects on 5 years of nextAdvisory.
In 2022, nextAdvisory has passed the often talked about milestone that can kill small businesses in NZ. We weren’t going to be a statistic.
Just over 5 years ago we started with plenty of ideas and a plan to conquer the world. Young & full of energy, we thought we would crush it and make our first $1m in less than 3 years.
The reality is it took longer than expected but I'm bloody happy to say we have now done it. For the 12 months ended 30 September we ticked over $1million in fees.
Obviously, it didn’t stop us, we were consistent in our work, always reviewing and refining what we do - a clearer vision and constantly refining our ideal client.
We backed ourselves and got comfortable saying no when there was no alignment.
For those that know us, we are not conventional stereotypical accountants. We’ve challenged our industry norms and status quo, believing what we are delivering is what businesses really want.
Along the way we have been called cowboys, fly-by-nighters and other non-repeatable names. For us, this was positive feedback, we were on the right track.
I can write to you today and confidently say we were right. We have built a business where we are genuinely happy with what we do, lots of flexibility and little stress.
For me, this has been a big personal milestone. Over the years, I have been fortunate to work with many business owners and I will never forget the looks on their faces and reactions when they see for the first time their first $1,000,000 in Sales.
I guess it's part of the Kiwi psyche and I wanted to experience that.
And what an experience it was, not just the moment of looking at the P&L, but reflecting on the 5 years. There are plenty of stories and lots of lessons.... I'll save those for another day.
For those that really know me, I enjoy cars… this business has allowed me to get my first brand new car, an Audi RS3 a few years back. It’s now been upgraded to an Audi RS4 a few months back.
But not stopping here…. #whatsnext, Porsche 911 Turbo S.
I want to thank everyone for the recent work anniversary messages and positive feedback on the value of our content, podcasts (250 episodes and counting) and the work we do with our clients.
At the same time, I would also like to thank all my previous employers. I wouldn’t be in the position I am today without the variety of experience they provided.
Of course, thanks to all our clients for their support along the way and belief in what we do and how we do it. nextAdvisory wouldn’t be here without you.
We recorded a podcast to encourage more Kiwis to share their success stories. You can check it out here:
Listen To The Podcast Via Spotify
Success is yours,
Who are Phil & Luke
We're GC's; Growth Consultants, Guidance Counsellors. Good Characters. We do a fair bit and dont' really fit the mould of 'accountants'. We’re high energy, genuine Kiwi blokes with a passion for helping business owners thrive in doing what they love. Qualified Chartered Accountants and business development experts, we help people improve, grow and enjoy their business journey.
Why work with someone like Phil? Because he has worked in businesses, just like yours. He understands how money moves through a business having started with accounts clerk roles and ultimately working up to a company accountant.
This experience in business provided Phil with the best foundation to advise business owners as a Chartered Accountant. He understands the issues you will face as a business owner, the financial impacts and chances are he’ll have a practical solution.
Phil asks the right questions and listens, then has a knack for taking complex issues and breaking them down so as a business owner you understand how to make positive change in your business.
Outside of the accountant life, Phil is married with 3 children, enjoys staying fit and volunteers for community organisations including as a current member of the Auckland Police Pipe Band.
In 2019 Luke was recognised with a Chartered Accountants award for his representation of the profession.
With experience from a variety of Chartered Accountant roles around New Zealand, Luke’s a big believer in building solid work relationships that put people first.
Driven by his enthusiasm for innovative business strategies, use of new technology and a passion to help people do what they love, Luke wants to see his clients win.
''A better business comes from a better business owner and this is possible for every person in business''.
Luke’s always on the go. He’s a sort after speaker in both the business community as well as the financial literacy space helping everyday Kiwis. Charitable with his time for good causes, Luke is an award winning social media enthusiast.
Ongoing Consultancy
Business owners with a plan and a strategy are more likely to succeed than their competitors. It’s as simple as that. This is just like having a personal trainer - but for your business.
We help business owners set action plans to help them fire on all cylinders. We like to make it easy so our plans are clear and task orientated with set action points. We work with you in an intensive but interactive session to ensure no stone is left unturned. Once you’re done, you’ll leave with a business plan that is clear, concise and achievable.
Just like any good plan, it’s only as good as the work that goes into executing it. We know what it’s like to be in business; we all get a little bit busy working in the business and not on it. Just like your personal trainer, we catch up with you regularly to ensure the plan is being actioned.
With every business we work with, there are always opportunities that are waiting to be unlocked. You’ll also have access to the trusted people in our network that help us and our clients achieve their goals.
Business owners can be sceptical about paying for these sorts of services so we GUARANTEE our fee for the right type of client who we know will put the work in.
We’ve all heard the old saying: ‘If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail’ - unfortunately it’s true. We want to see business owners and people win, whatever that may look like - that's for you to decide.
One Off Consultancy
Being in business can be lonely. We've helped tonnes of businesses navigate tough situations and come out the other side in a better position.
Where it is the right fit, we offer business consultancy services on a per hour or per project basis. In business, it is important to surround yourself with people who can challenge you and help you unlock new opportunities. Get in touch to discuss this with us further. Expect genuine advice from market leaders. We do only have limited slots available for one off consultancy work so please make contact quickly.
Our clients
We love to hear what our clients think of us. In fact it’s sooo good, we thought we’d share it with you.
case study
Haavik Research got a lot more than it bargained for after bringing nextAdvisory on board to help lift its financial game.
case study
Here’s how That’s Clean used nextAdvisory’s innovative approach and strategic know-how to turn itself around.
Online courses
Our why is to provide life changing advice to aspirational business owners. Want to work through one of our courses in your own time?
start-up business course
We take you through the business set up process and help you get answers to the most common questions of new business owners.
Work through it in your own time and go away and take action as you progress through the course.
On completion you will have a sound understanding of the business fundamentals along with continued access to the course material.
Business Planning Course
We coach you through the business planning process and help you build a plan for your business.
Work through it in your on time and unlock new modules as you progress through the course.
On completion you will have a 12 month business plan along with a 90 day action plan you can update each quarter.
They say there are opportunities in every recession, can you spot them?
We discuss this in our training and unlock the hidden opportunity inside every single business that gets overlooked by 83% of business owners.
The recession will pass...
Make sure you have a business on the other side
Our why is to provide life changing advice to aspirational business owners. For all of our latest business advice, you can find our market leading content here
Check out our content bank of valuable videos to help you improve your business
A business advisory podcast? Ok it’s not always going to be your first choice but there a tonne of episodes to find ways to improve your business. Find out some of the things that are working for our clients too.
cashflow planning
Cash is the life blood of your business. We’ve put together a FREE tool that you can use to track the cash movements through your business.
business planning
All good businesses have a plan. They are heading in a clear direction. Grab our FREE business planning tool to get your own business planning started.
Behind the scenes at nextAdvisory. See what we are up to day to day and keep up to date with our video clips and latest content pieces.
Give us a like and keep up to date with important updates that will get you thinking about improving your business.
In business, there are some things you just have to do to stay out of trouble. This includes completing all of your accounting and tax obligations whilst keeping the IRD happy. We know this sort of thing won’t excite you and it isn’t why you got into business. We like to partner with you to add value, solve your problems and help you succeed. As market leading Chartered Accountants, we can take care of your financial statements and tax returns each year.
We can help you with all of your day to day accounting and tax requirements including: Annual accounts, tax returns, provisional tax planning, GST returns and Companies Office compliance (we’ll teach you this to save you some money). We will ensure you have the best systems in place to save you time and frustration when it comes to accounting.
We know your business is unique so we don’t have off the shelf packages, instead we’ll sit with you to make a tailored solution that suits your business.
All of our clients are on monthly retainers that allow them to ask incidental questions throughout the year without a separate invoice. That’s right,no surprise bills.
The monthly retainer includes tax planning at each instalment & payment notification (so you know what to pay and when – no surprises), annual accounts, & tax returns, GST help where needed and incidental support (basic queries - Xero and Tax throughout the year).
If you’d like to have a chat about a tailored solution for your business, book a time to chat.
Book online
Because we're a bit different to the average accountant, we allow people to book straight in to our calender's. If it's a bit too much for you then feel free to send us an e-mail, text, whatsapp or call.