Xero Bank Feeds Just Got Easier | See How Here | nextAdvisory.nz

Xero Bank Feeds Just Got Easier | See How Here

Xero Bank Feeds Just Got Easier | See How Here

Xero Bank Feeds Have Changed

Recently Xero changed their process for adding bank feeds to your Xero ledger.

See what has changed in our summation of Xero’s announcement.

Today, a good proportion of our direct bank feeds globally require customers to connect them using paper application forms, which can mean a 10 day wait for transactions to start flowing into Xero. Our customers told us this process was too manual and time consuming, and we agreed.

We’ve created an easier, faster and more secure process, and by automating many of the manual steps in the process, we’re giving our customers more time to do beautiful business.

A simpler process

Say goodbye to manually filling in application forms. Now, to connect a new bank feed you can download a pre-populated application form in Xero with information about your organisation and bank account details. Simply sign and date the form, scan and upload it back into Xero and we’ll take care of the rest.

Uploading the form is easy – just follow the steps after downloading the form and select ‘upload form’. If you need to upload the form at a later time, select ‘Get bank feeds’ from the Xero dashboard, then select ‘I’ve got a form’ and upload your form.

You’ll then get an instant response to confirm whether you’ve completed your application correctly or whether any key details are missing, and we’ll keep you informed on the progress of your application.

It’s faster and secure

A faster application process means bank feeds can be connected to Xero sooner.

The faster bank feeds are connected, the sooner you can reconcile your banking and get an up to date view of your cash position so you know how your business is performing.

And you can rest assured that the process is safe and secure. Uploading the application form into Xero is a more secure way to share information, particularly sensitive information like your bank account details.

When will this be available?

The new process is now available to all our Xero users. We’re excited about making life easier for you and can’t wait for you to enjoy the benefits of this improved process.

Let's chat

We're all ears! If you're interested in working together we'd love to come and see you. Feel free to book a time to speak with us, give us a bell or touch base on the social media of your choice.

Tel: 027 424 3442

Tel: 021 430 419

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