The Dreaded Overhead
The costs you can’t avoid in your business. Those high cost items that commit you to big levels of spend.
Be careful how long you lock your business in to contracts and at what level of spend.
Can your business negotiate with the landlord? Can your business consider subscriptions or pay by use instead of outright ownership or purchase?
Unlock the value of your business by reviewing your fixed costs and the impact they are having on your businesses profitability. Help your business grow.
So #whatsNext?
The above should seem easy enough and probably make a lot of sense but to benefit, you need to commit and make some time to work on your business to discover some of the opportunities that are sitting right in front of you.
If you need help to do this, we’d love to be a part of that. Contact Us and we can help you execute on what may only remain as thoughts.
What ever you choose to do, we hope you have your best financial year to date.