Claiming International Travel

Claiming International Travel

What can you claim with international travel?

A common question which we are asked and address for those who want to know about claiming international travel expenses.


Luke & Phil run the market leading business advisory and accounting practice called Accountants + Advice + Personality sums up what you can expect. nextAdvisory helps business owners get more out of their business. With practical advice, innovative technology and a genuine interest in your business, you’ll be winning in no time.

Do You Want To Explore Your Winning Formula?
If you’re still spending too much time in the business rather than on it, you probably already know something needs to change. Maybe you want more time, or more profit or to do less ‘work’? You can make it happen, but first you’ll need a plan then, more importantly, you’ll need to execute. If you want to explore implementing The Winning Formula in your business, you can book a FREE discovery call.

Let's chat

We're all ears! If you're interested in working together we'd love to come and see you. Feel free to book a time to speak with us, give us a bell or touch base on the social media of your choice.

Tel: 027 424 3442

Tel: 021 430 419

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